2024欧洲杯下注平台 > Party and mass work >  Building of party style

  On the afternoon of June 4, the third Party branch of the Group company held a branch committee meeting to organize the study of the "Brief History of the Communist Party of China", after the September 18 Incident and part of the Long March of the Central Red Army;As well as "New Fourth Army in Tongling" and "Party Organization election work manual" excerpts, and discussed the work of the party branch this month。

  The meeting pointed out that it is necessary to deeply study the "Brief History of the Communist Party of China", inherit and carry forward the noble spirit of the older generation of revolutionaries to the Party loyalty, patriotic dedication, and take them as an example to become qualified party members in the new era。It is necessary to earnestly study the Party's development path in each major historical key period and the advanced nature and distinct spirit of The Times shown in different historical periods, review the original intention in learning, keep in mind the mission, and strive to be a pioneer and pioneering innovation in practice。It is necessary to further understand the theoretical reading of "The New Fourth Army in Tongling" in combination with the ongoing study and education of Party history, and deeply understand its rich connotation, core meaning and spiritual essence。It is necessary to fully study the "Party Organization Election Work Manual", accurately grasp the methods and steps of various election work, and effectively do the Party organization election work in detail。