2024欧洲杯下注平台 > Party and mass work >  Union work

  On the morning of March 2, Tongling City commemorated the 113th anniversary of International Women's Day and the fifth Executive Committee (expanded) meeting of the 12th session of the Municipal Women's Federation in Tongling City, Tongling Highway Operation Co., Ltd. won the "March 8th Red Flag Collective", becoming the only city-owned state-owned enterprise that won this honor in this conference。

  As one of the wholly-owned subsidiaries of Tongling Trading Group,Tongling Jiaotou Highway Operation Limited liability Company is a vigorous,A team on the move,Most employees are "post-90s",The average age is just under 30,Among them, 18 are female employees,That's nearly half of the total,While carrying half the company,They have also become the most beautiful scenery of trading road operators。They constantly strengthen their own learning at home,Comprehensively improve personal ability,Conduct regular business training,Keep up to date with work policies,Learn the latest job requirements,Continuously improve work efficiency and work level;External intentions to serve passing vehicles,Ensure smooth and secure,To standardize the service behavior,Strictly implement standardized management,Strive to create a quality service image,Adhere to the passive service to active service,Provide quality service to past passengers。