2024欧洲杯下注平台 > Party and mass work >  Building of party style

  为学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想主题教育,We will guide Party members and cadres in tracing historical footprints,Carry forward the patriotic spirit,On the morning of September 27th,The Party branch of Jiangbei Port Railway Special Line Company carried out the theme practice of "pursuing red memory and inheriting revolutionary spirit",Organize all Party members and active party members to visit and study at the former site of the Dongdong anti-Japanese Democratic Government in the Red Education base,Remember the revolutionary martyrs,Be baptized in the spirit of revolution。

  History is preserved to educate man, and the past is learned。In 2013, the Party Committee of Chen Yaohu Town and the town government built a new museum of revolutionary cultural relics of the Tongdong anti-Japanese Democratic Government in the original site of the Tongdong anti-Japanese Democratic Government, remembering the martyrs, inheriting the legacy, and striving for the construction of a better home。Exhibition hall is divided into Tongdong anti-Japanese democratic government events, Tongzong Anti-Japanese War history, Tongdong Anti-Japanese War group of English, Japanese surrender, the historical significance of Tongdong Anti-Japanese War and other sections。

  Activity site,People look at historical pictures, revolutionary relics and other historical materials,It traces the arduous revolutionary course of the army and people in Tongdong anti-Japanese base area during the Anti-Japanese War,Learned about the founding of the lieutenant general Lin Weixian, Huang Hwasheng and former Communist Party of China Tonglu Wu County Party Committee secretary Lu Sheng and other martyrs have worked and fought in the history of Chen Yao Lake,It has effectively inspired the deep memory and reverence of all Party members for the war heroes,Further tempering the party spirit,Firm ideals and beliefs。